Community service activities provide every VFW and Auxiliary member opportunities to participate in programs designed to benefit your city, town or neighborhood, and organizations, institutions, or individuals not affiliated with the VFW or the Auxiliary. Some of Post 1679's activities are: REHABILITATION/SERVICE/EMERGENCY Rehab programs include: the Drug Abuse Program, Department Wheelchair Games, the Service Fund, the Emergency Program, and support for senior citizens. Rehabilitation is the most important program in the VFW and its Ladies Auxiliary. It gives assistance to veterans and families outside the hospital. AVENUE OF FLAGS Over 750 casket flags are put up with formal ceremonies at Ivy Lawn Cemetery twice a year - on Memorial Day and on Veteran's Day. CALIFORNIA SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Department of California's Scholarship Program makes financial aid available for sons, daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters of a member. Persons who are graduating from a high school or a junior college or are continuing students at a college or university are eligible to apply. VOICE OF DEMOCRACY
YOUNG AMERICAN CREATIVE PATRIOTIC ART CONTEST Open to students in grades 9 through 12. YOUTH ACTIVITIES Sponsorship of a youth group such as 4-H and Boy and Girl Scouts is another way your Auxiliary can help. Recognize Girl Scouts with Gold or Silver Awards. Promote the Outstanding Young Volunteer of the Year Award. Become involved with the Special Olympics or your local Safe and Sober Grad Nights. You can help your local police with a Youth Identification Program. SAFETY PROGRAM Safety education and promotion in many areas: Highway and Pedestrian Safety, Lite-a-Bike, Recreational Safety, Home and Fire Safety, "Just Say No" Drug Awareness program, and Recognition program - appreciation for law enforcement officers, fire fighters and emergency medical personnel. DONATIONS Post 1679 gives to: American Heart Association, Boys and Girls Club of Ventura, Paralyzed Veterans, Salvation Army, Arthritis Foundation, Red Cross, Rescue Mission and other groups. (Fundraising comes from "the Bingo Funds".) SUPPORT Post 1679 is active in the Santa Barbara Diabetes Support Group. The Post helps with Little League Baseball and other groups. For more information, contact the Post.
© VFW 1998 . Created by Lynn - Last Updated 29 Dec 2001