In 1952, the name of the program was changed to Cancer Aid and Research. This reflected a program expansion that allowed for grants-in-aid to members who suffered from the disease. In 1961, however, membership growth, spiraling costs, and requests for grants began to endanger the Auxiliary's ability to fund both the cancer research and aid-to-members programs. As a result, the Ladies Auxiliary dropped its grants-in-aid program and replaced it with a low-cost cancer insurance program for its members. Through the years, the Auxiliary has raised more than 32 million dollars to help individuals, research centers, and specialists in its ongoing crusade against cancer. Currently, the Cancer Aid and Research Committee selects three deserving researchers each year for the Auxiliary's prestigious cancer fellowships. At present, these fellowships amount to $20,000 each. If past performance is any indication of the tenacity of the Auxiliary's members, they will continue to give both time and money until a cure for this dread disease is finally discovered.
© VFW 1998 . Created by Lynn - Last Updated 29 Dec 2001