A program whose purpose is "to improve the general welfare of the
communities" would seem to open the doors of auxiliaries to almost any kind of
community activity. Yet, that is the stated purpose of the Auxiliary's Community Service
Program. It is deliberately expressed in such broad terms to allow local units a wide
latitude in choosing activities to better their communities.
Although it would be impossible to enumerate all of the projects
undertaken by local units, here is a sample of the kinds of community service many units
They help newborn babies and their families by transporting mother and
baby to visit the doctor or clinic; delivering hot meals, especially in the first days
home; ensuring that the proper baby food and medication is available if it cannot be
provided by the parents; and providing other services related to newborns' care. They
support their local schools by funding the high school band's trip to the Rose Bowl
Parade; contributing books to the library; raising funds for computers or other needed
equipment; or by donating new uniforms for the athletic teams. They make their city's
streets safer by purchasing stop signs, streetlights, or walk signals; offering safe
driving courses; checking up on "latchkey" children whose mothers work; and in
some areas, acting as school crossing guards. In a typical year, Auxiliary members across
the country donate almost a million and a half hours and over a million dollars to
community service.

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